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Join Sarah Hannala and Emily Weer at Asante Lakeside Fitness for a special moon serenade. We will call upon the power of Ganesha, the Lord of the moon in ancient yogic & Hindu mythology. He represents new beginnings, removing obstacles, wisdom and pure knowledge. Through gentle movements, meditation and sound, we will harness the

18 Amazing Benefits of Yoga, According to Science

Shared from

Yoga is becoming more mainstream in western cultures as those who practice it realize the numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits that come with the ancient art.

Science has proven that yoga can have a transformative effect on the body, resulting in everything from lowered blood pressure to disease prevention. Here are some

Save in September

Now that the busy summer is behind us and we turn inward for Fall, we’d like to invite you to come back to the gym this September.   Don’t miss out on our “Save in September” special happening now at A Sante’ Lakeside Fitness. Come join A Sante’ and experience for yourself how great our gym

9 Things to Know About Group Exercise Classes

By Erin, Shared from

I was getting my hair done the other day when my stylist started talking about her weight-loss plateau. She belongs to a gym, so I asked her if she takes any group classes. “They’re not my thing,” she said. “I just don’t like them. I feel awkward!” As the most

Bandha Yoga Workshop with Deanna Kay

We hope you will join Deanna Kay on August 9th from 9-11 AM for this special Yoga class including an asana practice and discussion on the 3 bandhas and their uses.  Great class for all practitioners.  Please call A Sante’ to RSVP (530)583-4283.  Invite a friend to join you for this refreshing and energizing