Winter is nearly here and soon we’ll be enjoying our favorite winter sports activities. Now is the time to get your muscles strong, flexible and ready for a fun and injury free winter sports season. Good news: Winter Sports Conditioning class is back!! Join Kerry on Tuesday’s and Thursdays from 5:30 to 6:30 for some awesome training moves!

Look hot from behind and smokin’ on the slopes with this all-in-one abs-, butt-, and thigh-blaster. “The same drills that give you strength and stamina for skiing and ice skating also get you tight abs and a crazy-toned lower body,” says trainer Stephanie Levinson, who created the Aspen Ascent class at the Sports Club/LA in New York City as the muscle-prep course for winter fun. Translation: The sculpting you do now will mean you’ll unwind in an apr?s-ski hot tub rather than with your sorry legs buried under ice packs. All it takes is a set of light (3- to 5-pound) or medium (8- to 10-pound) dumbbells
and a gliding disk, a paper plate, or a towel. Rock these moves throughout the month for a built-for-speed bod.